"Consistently importing shipments and making between 100–150% profit!"

Karn Evans

Hi everyone my name is Karn Evans and I am from Auckland, New Zealand.

I am 23 years old working full time in Logistics and have been successfully using Salehoo for two months now. For a year I have trialed numerous wholesalers by blindly searching online. With many let downs on quality, after sales service and the legitimacy of particular wholesalers.

For many of us including myself the internet can be a daunting place coming from the norm of retail purchasing. After just my first month of using Salehoo I got to fully understand all the benefits that came with membership.

Not only do you have access to over 8,000 suppliers, but the forums are amazing, you can literally ask about any products and you will have your questions answered by their own expert power sellers, how priceless is that. Since joining I have been consistently importing shipments and making between 100 – 150% profit on each item sold.

I truly believe you could not make a better investment, whether you are already a seasoned importer looking to expand your network or just starting out in the game. With the “unconditional 60 money-back guarantee” seriously what have you got to lose?




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