Does SaleHoo Offer a Money Back Guarantee?

Did you know that when you join SaleHoo, you can feel confident that you will be 100% satisfied - or you can ask SaleHoo for your money back?

We're so confident that you will love your SaleHoo membership that we even offer a 60 day money back guarantee when you join SaleHoo.

We know that you will love your SaleHoo membership, and we want you to be confident in joining, which is why we make it easy to get your SaleHoo money back.

Very few members find that they do need to get their SaleHoo money back as SaleHoo's resources and support system are so valuable to them.

For example, if you can't find what you are looking for in the directory, you can ask SaleHoo staff to research additional suppliers outside the directory (including vetting them) and build a custom list for you!

You can also ask SaleHoo staff and our Community Manager, Marc Ransom, for help with your eBay listings. They can do a full review and provide detailed pointers to help increase your sales volume.

Why should you join SaleHoo?

SaleHoo is the #1 wholesale directory on the web. With over 8,000 suppliers, SaleHoo brings you together with trusted wholesalers to supply your online retail business with products that sell!

Inside SaleHoo's directory, you'll find pretty much anything that you want to sell including branded clothing, electronics, baby gear, jewelry, shoes, DVDs, video games, kitchen and homeware, and much more! Best of all, because SaleHoo pre-screens every supplier in their directory, you can be sure that you will not encounter any scams when you use any suppliers listed in the SaleHoo directory.

This is a hugely valuable feature to SaleHoo members who know that wholesale scams are a real threat to online retailers.

Unfortunately, there are many wholesale sourcing-related scams out there that can cripple online businesses. The most common scam is one that involves a con man posing as a supplier who lures you with very low prices on hot items like designer handbags and iPods. The deal turns sour when you purchase a wholesale lot from the supplier, and the items never actually show up. Any emails you send them are ignored, and your money is gone, never to be retrieved.

SaleHoo members are all pleased to be able to make a one-time and very small investment to be able to avoid this happening to them.

If you currently run an eBay or online retail business, or are looking to start one, you too can avoid scams by joining SaleHoo and using only the most trusted and verified legitimate suppliers on the web.

Remember, SaleHoo offer a money back guarantee, so you can join with confidence.

Click here to get your risk-free membership now.

Should you wish to get your SaleHoo money back, it is as simple as contacting SaleHoo support. Your refund is guaranteed as long as you request it within 60 days of signing up.



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