Supplier Listings Just Got Better!

3 min. read
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We have just rolled out some exciting changes to the SaleHoo Directory to make it faster and easier for you to find the best suppliers for you. 

New Supplier Snapshots

Because we have thousands of suppliers in the SaleHoo Directory, it can take time to trawl through and find the ideal match for you. We've just made that process a whole lot quicker with the introduction of our new supplier snapshots! 

Snapshots are on all supplier listings and give you a quick breakdown of all the crucial information you need to decide whether a supplier is right for you, without having to read through the entire supplier listing. 

Some suppliers are ideal for sellers with small budgets, some are suited to experienced sellers. Some suppliers are great for eBay sellers and some are better for people who sell on their own website. Our new snapshots act like wholesale matchmakers, helping you to quickly pair yourself with the right suppliers so you don't waste time contacting anyone who isn't a good fit. See an example of our new reviews here (you must be a logged in member to view). 

New In-Depth Reviews by SaleHoo 

Old supplier listings only have information provided by suppliers, but now we're writing in-depth reviews that tell you more of the juicy details that you need to know before you decide to contact them.

We're giving you all the details on supplier, plus their dropshipping programs, their customer service, their account setup (do you need to log in before you can view their prices?) and more. Our new in-depth reviews will replace our user reviews. 

Why We're Introducing These New In-Depth Reviews 

While all SaleHoo suppliers are fantastic, we can't lie: some of them have less-than-perfect websites. These can be difficult to navigate or slow to load. This can make it hard for you to find out what you need before you decide you want to work with them, but our in-depth reviews allow you to learn more about suppliers, before you even visit their website or contact them via phone or email. 

We've also found from feedback from our members that our user reviews aren't all that helpful: Most reviews that are left on supplier listings aren't good reviews: When you find a good supplier, you don't shout it from the rooftops by leaving a good review, you keep it to yourself. And fair enough, too! 

Our new style of reviews gives everyone more options for finding the best suppliers possible. 

In-Depth Reviews Are Still a Work in Progress

Our new reviews are high quality, and that means it will take us a little time to get them written for all our suppliers. We'll be adding new reviews regularly. In the meantime, you'll see all the essential information on our supplier pages and any reviews written by our team of Power Sellers. 

You will also see this bump button: 

If you want us to prioritize any supplier and get us to review them sooner, hit the bump button and we'll get onto it. Add the supplier to your bookmarks, and we will email you when the review is done. 

So, what do you think? Let me know by leaving a comment. 

About the author
Alice Delore

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  • Trakelia Jimerson 18th of August
    This is AWESOME! I was starting to think that SaleHoo was a complete waste of an investment. I would spend hours searching and the reviews would be horrible. This has made it easier and I can't wait to find even more suppliers FASTER!
    • Alice Delore SaleHoo Admin 25th of August
      Thanks for your feedback, I'm so pleased to hear that you're finding our changes helpful!