May SaleHoo Seller Spotlight

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In this month's SaleHoo Seller Spotlight, we introduce Alan Smith. Alan is a fairly new SaleHoo member who has dabbled in affiliate marketing and blogging as a means of earning a home-based income.

Late last year, he finally settled on the idea of running an online retail business and is currently in the planning stage of getting his own online store setup. Check out his story below: 

Name: Alan Smith
Forum Username: Krypton 
What do you sell? I'm getting into selling green products like juicers and solar equipment via my sustainable living blog. 
Where do you sell? As well as my own blog, I'm setting up a SaleHoo Store soon. 
Member of SaleHoo since: December 2011
What is one piece of advice you have for other SaleHoo members? 
Don't believe the 'gurus' - and learn on your own.  Let reliable experts help you. Check out what others do who are making a lot of money and are honest. 
If you are pulling traffic to your website, take care with Google Adwords campaigns and backlinking. It you don't do it right, it can cost you a lot of money or cause you problems with the search engines. 
My plan: 
Setup a Webstore that focuses on Green Products, like juicers - soloar equiptment - and so on..... Then create a great blog that links to the store. 
This will take some time, but not too long. 
But as a startup with SaleHoo, I will also listen to what has been said many 
times in your forum: Find one good supplier at first and create one store, 
to get sarted quick. So will do two prodjects at one. 
1.) The Green Store - over time 
2.) Set up a new SaleHoo store and start selling emediately 
What was the biggest obstacle you’ve had to overcome in selling online? 
I had to learn to belive in my self. 
What’s your favorite thing about making money from selling items online? 
Realizing that it is possible to become your own boss and live your dreams.

Name: Alan Smith

Forum Username: Krypton 

What do you sell? I'm getting into selling green products like juicers and solar equipment via my sustainable living blog

Where do you sell? As well as my own blog, I'm setting up a SaleHoo Store soon. 

Member of SaleHoo since: December 2011

What is one piece of advice you have for other SaleHoo members? 

Don't believe the 'gurus' - and learn on your own.  Let reliable experts help you. Check out what others do who are making a lot of money and are honest. 

If you are pulling traffic to your website, take care with Google Adwords campaigns and backlinking. If you don't do it right, it can cost you a lot of money or cause you problems with the search engines. 

My plan is to setup a webstore that focuses on green products, like juicers, solar equipment, and so on, then create a great blog that links to the store. This will take some time, but not too long. 

But as a start up with SaleHoo, I will also listen to what has been said many times in your forum: Find one good supplier at first and create one store, to get started quick. 

What was the biggest obstacle you’ve had to overcome in selling online? 

I had to learn to believe in myself. 

What’s your favorite thing about making money from selling items online? 

Realizing that it is possible to become your own boss and live your dreams.

Would you like to feature in the next SaleHoo Seller Spotlight? Email

About the author
Alice Delore

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  • Lace Llanora 22nd of May
    Congratulations Alan! I checked out your blog name and it sounds really catchy and cool. Best of luck with your SaleHoo store, keep us posted :) Lace