thank you jimmy
he is a registed seller on here
What is his name?
Someone can post his name and get him to answer the questions so we can put him on the spot.
Not to antagonize him at all nothing like that, the reason that it should be done is just to make sure he is offering a reliable service.
Any questions that someone has with a supplier, are usually answered first off when you meet that supplier and ask them about their background.
You need to talk to them quite a bit first by asking them about the product, ask them what it usually comes with, how much are the shipping rates, and other simple but key questions. If they can answer these effectively and easily, you can trust them, and most of the time won't run into a problem.
But if they can't, then you can't trust them. You most likely would never trust someone who can't answer simple questions that relate to exactly what you would be buying. It gives you a feel of a supplier right when you meet him or her.