As a person who has sold many authentic designer handbags, I can tell you that there are no designer handbag companies that sell wholesale.
I know this to be fact as I have personally spoken with most of the major handbag dealer representives. You have to be licenced by the parent company to sell the handbags. Most only sell through boutiques or major dept store chains.
You can buy the bags at 'discounted' prices however. But the bags that are discounted are normally 'last seasons' bags that are marked down when the new style and seasons bags come onto the market.
In addition to that I must also tell you that even the discounted bags are very expensive. Dooney & Bourke normallly has the highest discounted mark down at 30-70%. But still some bags can cost over $100.00 even after a large mark down..And bags like prada, balenciaga, channel and louis vuitton will be much higher than that..
If you wish a list of licenced suppliers that discount past styles bags, PM me and I will send you a contact list. Just keep in mind that the bags will not be cheap..