A trusted wholesaler I think not. I purchased a product that was advertised on their website thinking it was the real deal when infact it was a replica. I sent a complaint email stating I received a fake & did not receive what I paid for, to which i received an email back stating I ordered a replica but the thing is totally the same as the original, except for the box, they are finely made,please take and try. I then replied to that email stating the item description in the advertisement did not say this was a replica & Is misleading as the reader thinks it is the original product as the pictures & title state this is an original not a fake. I then received the following email:
'Really sorry to hear that and trouble caused to you.
I have just checked with our marketing department and also all of our advertisement About hair care.We indeed do not advertised as GHD ones,just hair straightener.
If you do not like this products at all,please return it back to us,we will refund you but shipping is non-refundable.'
It is quite amusing as the 2 emails I received both contradicted eachother & I also I have the email invoice lightinthebox sent me stating they are GHD Style Hair Straighteners.
I have also noticed the advertisments not longer say GHD on them. I am wondering if GHD threatened legal action or others put through complaints.
Anyway I hope no one else will get burnt like I did. Has anyone got some advice on what I should do ? Have a got a case to take this further ?
Kind Regards,