lzysfjt I am looking a method to promote my website,I think targeted email advertising is a good idea,Through this way I can send advertisement email to thousands of potential customers,Could you tell me a best company can offer such service at lowest price?Many thanks.
jimmy_huber Ive been using godaddy.com services for email marketing. Works well and does not cost alot
lzysfjt Jimmy,thank you for reply,In fact I want to buy US email address lists,Can godaddy.com offer email address lists?or other company can offer this?
fudjj I'm not sure that Go Daddy will sell you email lists, not even sure if they actually rent them, would be an interesting option if they did rent cause they would have on hell of a db. Plenty of email marketing companies around that should be able to point you in the right direction to buy, or to rent, but watch out if you go ahead, it can be a mine field!