Link hidden: Login to view - I saw nothing about dropshipping,but per their home page specialize in dog and cat products. Their customer base consists of retail pet supply stores, natural and organic food stores, veterinary clinics, feed and farm stores, kennels and groomers.
They do have $50.00 minimum order , and pay all shipping charges on orders over $400.00 within the United States with the exception of dog food orders.
Link hidden: Login to view - have to open an account to get much information, but they seem to be mostly focused on brick and mortar retail stores. Seems pretty interesting though as far as wholesalers go.
Link hidden: Login to view - Wholesaler. I emailed to ask about dropshipping because they did mention internet retailers on their home page. Will let you know what they say.Link hidden: Login to view - retailer
Link hidden: Login to view - Sell to public. No dropshipping.
Link hidden: Login to view - link no good
Link hidden: Login to view - Website under construction
Link hidden: Login to view - They don't ship or sell themselves apparently, but they do provide links to wholesalers.
Link hidden: Login to view - Retail site with an option to sign up for their wholesale site. Didn't see anything about dropshipping, but didn't register to find out. Have to be approved as a wholesaler before they will give you information. They do not ship internationally.
Link hidden: Login to view - Have to fill out an application for holesale inquiries.
Link hidden: Login to view - Have to fill out an application for approval before ordering wholesale. Don't appear to dropship.
Link hidden: Login to view - Have to approved as a dealer. No idea if they dropship.
Link hidden: Login to view - Listed as wholesaler, but didn't see anything about dropshipping.
Link hidden: Login to view - Retail site with wholesale link. Have to fill out a wholesale interest form for more info.
Link hidden: Login to view - do not sell to online only and Ebay stores
Link hidden: Login to view - appears to be a retailer only
Link hidden: Login to view - wholesaler but appears to only sell to stores and the only thing I see about dropshipping is about items that they are out of stock on and have to have sent from the manufacturer. Maybe if you could find out their manufacturer you could work out your own deal there.
Link hidden: Login to view - YES! Finally, one site that offers drop shipping. There is a form that you have to print and sign and send to them for approval, and I am not sure if they will do blind dropshipping, but it may be worth the paper work to find out.
If anyone else has any information, I am also looking for some pet supply dropshippers so that I can add a pet supply category to my website.