Don't worry about offending anyone firstly, very open and honest forum so feel free to speak your mind.
I don't personally know of the product you are talking of so commenting on it is a little dangerous, but what the hell, that's never stopped me before.
I think gut feelings are always a good guide, and this instance seem to be serving you well.
Power Sellers Secrets?
The are no secrets, that's the big secret!!
There are no secret suppliers, no secret products, no magic words that can make anyone a success. It's all down to sound business principles and long hours, nothing more.
The reason these types of information packs sell so well is because people get lazy and want to find shot cuts to save themselves the drama of doing the work.
Then they get upset when they find that being lazy has cost them a couple of hundred bucks, and provided them with garbage.........
The question that always sticks out in my mind is why on earth do people not take this as a serious business?
Hardly anyone ever even develops a business plan, they just throw money in all sorts of directions and hope for the best!
Online retailing is one of the most competitive markets there is, make no mistake about it. Just like any business, if you don't treat it as a business and run it as a business then you have very little chance of it being a business for very long!
If everyone would ignore these absurd get rich schemes and just concentrate on building some basic business skills, there would be a lot less garbage get sold, and a lot more people holding onto their cash.
OK, having said all that.....I don't have a clue what this product, but having once been a Power Seller myself, all be it for short time and only at a bronze level, I can assure everyone that there are no's just business sense and application!