Dear Bluebird,
I've been where you are a few years ago and I hope I can save you a lot of time.
Authentic Handbags are very hard to come by. They begin being liquidated by the major department stores that are authorized to sell them. I used to be able to buy them weekly from department stores that were liquidating them. Now with the horrible economy and business being way down, the department stores are not purchasing as much, and they are holding on to their stock longer. Therefore, longtime, major liquidators will get first dibbs on the shelf pull bags and there are no handbags being offered to smaller sellers like us.
The only handbags I get offered are 'Customer Return' bags, and my parter and I really want nothing to do with them. But, sellers who don't mind fixing some of the bags and throwing some out, say they make a good profit on the ones they can sell. I don't know this to be true, first hand.
Beware of handbag websites that claim to sell authentic bags. There is no steady stream of handbags being sold to them and most of the designer handbag companies do not sell to dealers. They sell bags in their own outlet stores and would rather burn them before selling them on the open market.
The only places you might find authentic bags if you search a few times per day (because once they're listed they go fast!), is on,, closeoutcentral, wholesalecentral and some of the larger liquidators like VIAtrading, for example.
Hope this helped.