Hi William,
I think you may need to be a bit more patient :) Just list whatever items you have and see how things turn out. But here are some general tips for getting more sales:
* Work on your product photos. Good pictures convert to more sales. And statistics show that the more pictures you have, the higher the selling price. If you are selling clothing, consider getting a mannequin. For other items, purchase a photo tent. This is an easy way to get a clean, professional background for your photos. Buyers will always choose a professional picture over an amateur one.
Note: When I visited your listing just now there was no photo :(
* Make sure your item description provides LOTS of detail. Buyers like to learn as much as possible about the item before they buy. The best sellers on eBay have lengthy product descriptions to ensure the buyer isn't left with questions that might prevent them from bidding.
* If your feedback isn't skyhigh, then work on it. eBay buries sellers with low feedback ratings in the search listings, so less people are going to see your items for sale. The best way to get your feedback up fast? List as many items as you can and consider having a sale (either reducing the item price or offering free shipping). Even if you lose a bit of money now, you'll reap the benefits in the long term when your feedback is higher and your listings more visible.
Also,might want to consider catering to your local market or somewhere closer probably so you can offer better shipping rates thus increasing your chance of getting bids and actually getting feedback.
* Try offering faster shipping. Ship the DAY payment is received if possible. Buyers have high expectations and getting their item delivered in record time leaves a great impression.
These tips may sound simple, but we see SO many people neglecting these things in their listings, it's just not funny. Nothing turns a buyer off like a grainy, dark photograph or a single-sentence product description.
Hope this helps :)