I posted a topic for this website under 'name them, shame them'. There several negative feedbacks with this dropshipper.
My personal experiences with them are also negative. They can be VERY slow with shipments, i've had some take over two weeks to ship! I'm almost a power seller on ebay and the only negative feedbacks I have are because of problems with this dropshipper.
I've had them ship incomplete orders, when I complain to them about it they say the whole order was shipped.
They've shipped me a bad xbox and when I asked if I could return it they told me I would have to pay a $30.00 restocking fee plus shipping to return it.
If you plan on depositing money in your account with them via bank wire prepare to wait 2-3 weeks to see your deposit.
Also refunds on money you have in your account with them can take over a month, so if you have to return something and they credit your account for the return good luck getting your money back.
They may have a very appealing professional website but they're customer service is completely lacking. I would avoid them, i found this out the hard way.
Personally I would buy and resell. This way your not at the mercy of your dropshipper, they can ruin your feedback. Just pick a hot selling item and see what it is selling at on ebay then find a supplier with lower prices. Dhgate.com has some good prices for making some profit.
Good Luck and be carefull :