Hi lokey. Look, I'm gonna be about as honest as I can with you about video game consoles. The plain hard fact is that you cannot compete with the sellers selling them on ebay or just about any other venue.
These guys are BIG BOYS. They are not your average seller. They have huge buying capital and use it to purchase extremely large quanities of these consoles at one time..Alot of these sellers are not even really making a profit from the actual sale of the console. They are being paid a fee to sale them for a large corporation..
Case in point..Did you know that Sears sells just about all of their quality overstocks on ebay. It's true. But they don't sell under the sears name. They pay sellers to sell the goods for them..
I only know one actual seller on ebay who sells gaming consoles (one person that is a business associate of mine) He actually buys xboxes. Do you know how many he purchases at one time?
$200,000 worth..And he's small time..
And on top of that his profit is only $15.00 per unit..But he sales alot of units and under different ID's.
I know that the lure of making good money is there when you look at some sellers and see them selling a lot of game consoles. But these guys are not buying them at wholesale prices. they are licensed by sony and nintendo and are allowed quota's of the systems..they get them strait from the manufacturer.
Most anyone who tells you that they are a wholesale supplier is really just another middleman who has purchased the units from another supplier and has marked up the unit above the true wholesale price.. And ebay is a 'below wholesale' market..not wholesale, not retail..but BELOW WHOLESALE. You can't make any money on ebay selling at wholesale prices..
You will find some chinese sites selling them for lower prices than most. But in most cases they will not be licensed units and you will not be covered by any warrantee offered by the rights owner...
On top of all of that, the market is just too crowded to make a decent profit on this type of product...
I know that this is not what you want to hear, but take it from someone who's been doing this for almost 10 years. You will do much better trying to find a product that everybody else is not trying to sell..And you'll make a much higher profit on that item per unit than you will on an item that is flooding the market...