carolfreedom Hello to everyone! I am looking for a dropshipper of crystals and gem stones for reasonable prices! I want these crystals and gems for healing. I will soon have a web site going up on healing with crystals and gem stones very soon and need the best deal that I can find... Thanks to anyone who can help me! Peace and Blessed Be!
gulfy13 I would suggest 'Fire Mountain Gems' You can visit their website: Link hidden: Login to view email: customer service: 800 423 2319 You might want to request their catalog, it's about 1/2 inch thick...
carolfreedom thank you very much gulfy13, as a matter of fact they just sent me an email to look at their stuff! I appreciate you trying to help me,thanks again carolfreedom-Peace and Blessed Be to YOU!
salehoo_group This supplier may have what you are looking for. Link hidden: Login to view They do not dropship but do ship internationally so you should be able to order form them. Good luck :)
hdavy2002 customer service: 800 423 2319You might want to request their catalog, it's about 1/2 inch thick... I just did a live chat with them, they do not drop ship