Dont just email.
I have said this before. You cant armchair everything.
Reach over to the phone and ring them up!!
If they are in Australia why aren't you driving to their place of business?
When I got my first contact for collectibles, I saw an ad on Craigslist for eBay listers. I called them up and said hey, how about instead of me being a lister why not let me do it on commission? He said I dont want to do business that way, BUT our sister company does collectibles and I think he might be looking for something like that.
So it took me about two weeks of calls but I got an appointment to go see the guy.
Since then I have been selling whatever I want from his store for 40% commission.
Today I was driving around for my other business and saw 2 wholesale companies I will be visiting to see what they offer.
You've got to be willing to exert energy outside of emails.