Doubtful. Target only has 1 Broker in the USA. Genco is just a CRC Management company. If you want to order Target goods you have to go through their official Broker. Or deal with a Liquidator that claims o order direct and strips the load of anything valuable. I have ordered Loads of and Target Stores. They do not sell specific breakdowns of their inventory. Genco basically has each store in charge of the CRC loads and you get a mix of anything and everything. Generally if you order a truckload. You get a truckload from the same store. Not multiple stores like many other retailers I Broker for.
Thanks very much for your response Jimmy.
Looking at the website one does see multiple pages of fixed price furniture specific pallets from so in that sense there are some general categorization of pallets to pick from. Hardgoods from brick and mortar target stores however do appear more generalized as you said and may only be from a particular region.
It's been my experience with hardgood loads here in Canada that many of the CR loads from our big box stores being handled by Genco are only available through a broker, as you mentioned with Target stores in the U.S.
Genco does actually list some of these types of pallets on their website but most are not and are available through a broker only.
In regards to CR furniture loads however, there appears to be a good selection available from the Genco Marketplace itself. My regular broker does not sell these loads.
I'm curious, did you find the CR loads from had less of a waste factor then the brick & mortar target store loads or about the same?
I have another question about waste factor and Genco but I'll ask that in another thread.