Hi I can help you out if that is what you want, but you can forget the ipods Apple only has 3 distributors in the USA and none of them dropship.
You need to be aware of a few things first a real dropshipper is NOT
like what you find on Google with open arms waving you in.
You will need to get a tax id.
You will need to be prepared to put some work into it . It is NOT easy and automated like the middlemen if you want ease go to Doba, you may not make any money but from what I have heard they have a pretty easy format.
Some of them only supply you with a manifest so you will have to find your own pics.
That's the hard part here's the good.
You can sell on Ebay and make money, or you can sell on your own website.
Real drop shippers do exist but just be prepared to work.
I am not referring to you doinwell when I say this but it is amazing
to me how many people try to start out and believe that this is simple. It is not probably the hardest most over worked job I have ever had, but the rewards can be great. IF you will work hard. I would try these guys Link hidden: Login to view they are really good but you will need to get the tax id