calixmarketing Hi! I am looking for REAL/AUTHENTIC iPhone 32gb 3gs Supplier that sell for reasonable, low, and/or cheap prices. I can't find anyone. Can you please help me? Thank you and write back asap!
richelle_salehoo1 Hi calixmarketing, Welcome to SaleHoo! Seems like everybody's looking for real iPhones these days :) Here's a thread that is quite like yours, you'll find a supplier as well as a tip from one of our senior members: Link hidden: Login to view Hope this helps! Cheers :)
tekcrazyonline Hi Richelle, The link didn't go to the actual thread but went to a page with a lot of threads. Can you resend that link again please. Thanks
richelle_salehoo1 Hi tekcrayonline, Sorry but I can't find the thread either. It could have been deleted all together. But if you try doing your own search using the 'Search in the forum' option (on the upper left corner). Try keying in 'Apple iPhone' and you get a list of related threads. Hope this helps.