US users please be objective about this!I understand that for you salehoo is awesome but salehoo is not an exclusive Us wholesale directory!Or at least when i signed up it wasn t! Please inform the rest of us if this has changed!
The truth is that european and aussie users have to suffer because the supplier list equals to zero. I, personally, understand that the bussiness is american and it will take some time untill you find suppliers for these continents but being ironic won t help you on the long termn.The man wasn t nervous without a motive.
And i want to specify another thing.European sources doesn t mean uk sources.Especially if you take in mind the fact that Uk doesn t have moderate prices at all!They tend to be high!Very high!
That being said i wish you the best of luck and hope that you ll make this indeed the best directory of wholesale distributors on the net satisfying every s users demand!No matter the continent!