pickettnurse2006 hi, new to all of this anyone from uk can tell me if the chole bags that sell on ebay are authentic. Do you know a supplier for chole or prada
rachelle123 Three quaters of the bags on ebay are fake. I have just found a ligitamate supplier from Italy that sells Prada, Gucci, Fendi and few others at really great prices. Try them out, but they are closed till sept 1 for holidays. Link hidden: Login to view kim
thomasjm99 The prices at Malta are waaaay too high. Until ebay weeds out all the fake merchandise you will never be able to compete.
thomasjm99 As as another side note to this, Dshops.com has the best prices on Fendi handbags. The only problem is they are slow movers. You may have to list your item two or three times before your reserve is met or someone decides to buy the bag outright and by then eBay listing fees have eaten up a lot of your profit...I tried listing these on other sites as well and they just do not sell fast enough because of the other sellers going with no reserve and selling for cheaper. It's really hard to compete. I have about 5 bags that I am now just going to auction off and see if I can get 80-90 percent of my money back.