annalynt hi guys, i need some GENUINE suppliers for LAPTOPS PLASMAS LCD TVS GPS PDA i need them to be able to post to australia as for bigger items as in plasmas an lcd tvs, i would like a local seller as shipping is way TOOOOOOOOOOO expensive frome overseas. thank you
annalynt Link hidden: Login to view Link hidden: Login to view these web sites are for official resellers.. i am not a registerd reseller. is there anymore out there that are geuine, non scamming and have GOOD prices
damienp1 There is no way you are going to find this stuff at the prices you want without being a registered seller. The market is also flooded with this stuff. Try to find something where there is less competition and you are more likely to find a decent supplier.
jimmy_huber Not to mention newbies in this field get preyed upon by scammers and 0 feedback auction thieves.