Well, my good experience was soon overturned to a bad one! I ordered a pallet of returned household items. This was my first pallet of returns. I assumed there was a risk that alot of it would be no good, but 100% of it was trash! Literally trash! I thought returns could be for several reasons, including people returning an item b/c they didn't like the color or wrong size or something like that but this pallet was all items that when purchased the buyer also bought the 'Replacement Warranty'. These items were trashed and then the customer simply called up the company and asked for a replacement and they mailed back the trashed item. The company didn't even open the packages from these people to see the condition. I guess it was a no questions asked replacement warranty. The items were all in horrible condition. But this was my own fault - I just didn't think ANYONE would sell items in this condition. Nothing I can do about it. I through most of it away. I was able to repair a few things but they were still not in good enough condition to sell for hardly anything! LESSON LEARNED!! I will not buy anything labeled 'returns' from liquidation.com. I plan on buying my pallets from Jimmy. If he'll ship to me in Alaska (I am moving there in a couple of weeks).
You actually thought correctly. The only problem is you bought from a liquidator. I have done this many times. What the tactic is is they buy loads from a broker like myself. Then they drop them off at one of thier warehouses. Strip the loads of everything that is valuable and just leave the garbage. We bought a Macys Load from American Merchandise Liquidators.
And found over 45% of that load to be garbage. And returns that are beyond used. Some of them looked like they were used for 10 years then returned in beyond horrible condition. Weve seen every horrible trick in the book from these liquidators. One key to know you got screwed is if your pallet shows up in a Gaylord. A huge Cardboard box on a pallet loosely filled with items.
What you would be surprised to know as we were when we decided to get in touch with the retailers is that Alot of the customer returns are in excellent to mint condition. With about 10% Bad.
Liquidators wil buy 160 pallets and sort through them. They sell all the good stuff offsite or on ebay. And then use thier liquidation site to sell off the 10% to someone that has no clue how bad the items they will get are.
At the time we got a ton of pots and pans on the load. Amlinc must have thought them to be junk. But we noticed many of the pans were returned because of scorch marks on them. Well many people are stupid and forget that stainless steel can be cleaned.
If 1 pan had a scorch mark they would return the whole 18 Piece set. These sets sell new for $199 to $699 each set. So you get 17 pieces of brand new items and 1 pan that was scorched. We used soft scrub or CLR and a scratch free pad and scrubbed the scorch marks right off. Then sold each piece individually for great profits. Others had tape marks. We cleaned off the tape and most of them looked brand new once they were cleaned off. So with a little elbow grease we turned what amlinc though was crap into money.
But this does not excuse the fact they sent us garbage they couldnt sell. We quickly found out its not just them. Its ALL OF THEM.
We knew that if we were getting screwed by all the liquidators we bought from that we had to do something to get more profits for our company. After contacting many retailers we quickly found out that retailers ONLY PACK PALLETS IN BOXES. And most of them guarantee that only 10% is unsellable.
The only bad part is they have huge minimum orders to buy from them directly. This hurts many small sellers and they are left with only liquidators to deal with.
Also if you buy from a liquidator you get maybe 20 items in a pallet that is actually sellable. Our target pallets had literally 2 to 3 hundred items that can be sold or paired with other items and sold. With one pallet we have over 400 pairs of shoes. Mostly kids shoes but still thats alot of shoes. If you sold them all for $1.50 you paid for the pallets price. Sell them for $3.00 and double your money. Sell them for $4.50 and you triple your money. And so on.
This is the main reason we created Link hidden: Login to view Because we knew that we could market the products and make buyers profit instead of loss after loss.
Liquidators generally rip off thier buyers and only get 1 time buyers. If we can help every buyer make profits we have BUYERS FOR LIFE. So our Business may very well curb the market altogether. Especially when we start releasing the profit packs from Macys and we can stock multiple truckloads of items in our warehouse.
We sell pallet the way they were stacked and the buyer gets a pallet with alot of good resellable items. If the buyer got a 6 foot tall pallet full of clothes they could have over 1000 units on a single pallet.But a clothing pallet has a retail value of probably $10,000 to $20,000 in retail value. Even selling them at 50 cents they can make profit.
So far every load we have purchased Direct Has been Clean. Mostly shelf pull and items in excellent condition. AND THEY COME ON PALLETS SECURED IN BOXES. Not a gaylords.