OK. Since I have some time right now and I am a little bored, I decided to do some research on Megagoods.com. I will be posting a main topic in suppliers of the same.
Megagood lists their address at 2741 S. Alameda ST LOS ANGELES CA.
Google earth has a neat little thing that lets you zoom into street level view.
You actually can see the street and all the buildings very very clearly. As if you are right there. The app. is free so anyone can do this. Believe me when I say you can read the parking signs.
After 20 minutes of roaming the street of S. Alameda, there IS NOT a 2741 S. Alameda. There is USI Floral Inc at 2910 S Alameda. And some sort of Solar company across the street on the odd side. Their sign is poorly made and I can't make it out. But I am pretty sure their address is 2579.
Now when I punch in 2741 it takes me to a 2759. There is NO 2741! And guess whats there???
An empty field. A completely barren grassy field taking up a whole block.
Now you can look yourself. Start at the solar company and see if theres anything in between them and the inport export business at 4109 called Cosstar. Nothing but grass.
Next, Megagood is also known as Universal Banner Network and getestore.com
Ok. Now I look up Getestores address. oh. And guess what? Another phantom
address. 1600 Naomi Ave. No such thing. hmm. Shows the middle of the street. So I say OK let me scan up and down the street. Nope nothing!
OK. Maybe this is just some kind of weird incident. I'll try Universal Banner Network. Maybe thats where they store the millions of dollars of incredible wholesale product. Oh yea I forgot at TRUE wholesale prices. Can't forget that.
Well looks like its a shared address with getestores address. 1600 Naomi.
I guess they have a super duper secret address where they store all their incredibly priced stuff.
OK. Now we have a company that has falsified its info to hosting sites.
Not real impressive for a supposed top tier Dropshipper Huh. A company with millions of dollars worth a true wholesale product.
They are supposed to drop ship for us and they don't even have a facility.
I will bet it is out of a storage unit or its actually an Asian company.
See, charge higher than retail prices,walk over to Newegg or Evertek. Both have a pickup window. Pick the stuff up and ship it.
Unless someone can give me legitimate data about this company and explain real good all the falsification of information I think its fair to call this company
one of the biggest scammers on the internet!
I think this is a fair statement. Don't you?