Hi peacetak,
You can try using the Link hidden: Login to view to help you find a profitable niche.
Other places you might want to check are your local print media (newspapers/magazines) or radi/TV - be keen to anything that is being repeated as this could be your niche!
A friendly chat with your friends/neighbors might also help you come up with product ideas, especially if you talk about each others want list. In the process you might also want to check your own shopping list - why? Because oftentimes what's on your list might just be what other people have on theirs!
When you go supplier hunting, tedious and time consuming as it may seem you will have to contact each supplier individually. To help you do it faster you might want to create a template of some sort with a list of your basic questions which you can email to any supplier you feel you want to do business with.
When a supplier asks you questions be sure to answer them honestly, there is no point in hiding or deceiving your supplier as you are looking to foster a long and trustful relationship with them.
I would strongly recommend downloading and reading the "SaleHoo New User Manual", you'll find the answer to most your supplier questions, especially how to deal with supplier for the first time. To download your copy please go to Link hidden: Login to view and scroll down the page its the 6th guide down.
Hope this helps!
All the best :)