Hey Deb, I'm new on here, but have sold quite a few handbags on ebay. I can tell you for a fact that there are NO major designers that sell there bags wholesale. If you see the word wholesale, it a sure indication that the bags are fake.
I have sold chanel, louis vuitton, balenciaga and dooney & bourke. You can only buy the bags at discount, at the end of the season, for that particular bag. You have to get them at the designer boutique, or store, such as SAKS, Nordstrom, Parisian, ect. They will discount the end of season bags, after the new bags come out. But only about 20 to 30%.
With Dooney & Bourke, you can buy them from their main site, end of season, for an average of 30% off. Also on Doonies site, in very small print way down at the bottom right, there will normally be a 'sale' link. In that window they will normally have a bit more discount on a few select bags.
As for the other designers, you can get them also on discount at their factory stores, but still you will only find them discounted by a maximum of about 30%.
And be cautious, a lot of 'wholesalers' will say they have authentic bags, 'with authenticity cards', but those will be fake as well....gulfy13