ACK. I typed a post, my session timed out, I lost the post. Short version, no, you'll never find a company that has these products available on a drop ship basis. I recommend you check out 5Star and Rainbow Cosmetics, two UK wholesale cosmetic dealers who have been around for decades, to get a clear understanding of how the cosmetics market looks at the wholesale level, vs. dealing with piddlers who might be able to sell you the odd bit of eye liner one week, but be out the next.
Almost all companies you will find online selling "name brand wholesale" cosmetics are actually selling the cosmetics they got out of bulk HBA lots from department stores, and have little to no control over condition, selection, age, etc. of their inventory. If they're not doing that, they're selling the stuff they got from the people who are doing that -- at a marked up price, of course.
Second tier stuff like L'oreal is easier to source, but again, the dropshipping proposition sucks all the money out of the equation for you as a seller. Some products just don't have the markup, or more precisely only have enough markup to support one seller.