Okies this is the second time I saw this and I need to post what I posted about Link hidden: Login to view here as well.
Link hidden: Login to view is ok, you just have to know what you are getting into and DO your research into their policies, call them and ask them questions too before you bid. However steer clear of ANYTHING salvage. if its salvage then u can bet almost all are broken. My hard drive situation with ups..I got the hard drives from liquidation. They worked, about 60% of them, but almost all had bad sectors. I knew what I was getting myself into and was prepared for the risks and knew how to move the product, but you need to know that the only things u should buy are new and refurbs. I prefer new. Since this hard drive incident (UPS lost over half and damaged the other half of the hard drives physically that i finally found a buyer for) I only deal with new products, I even skipped the refurb industry! That lesson cost me over 2500 and more in stress.
You can cancel an order in progress at the cost of $200. Its not cheap but it could save you 1000's. Be aware also that the term salvage means you get what you get, there is no disputing about items not arriving as described, however the quantities can be disputed, provided they fall outside the quantity variances (most are 1-5%).
P.S. Always check the history of the person you are bidding on, for instance, in hard drives if he has very little or no history and its salvage, odds are he took the good drives out of a batch he ordered and are selling the dead hard drives to you, or he was new to the business and got nothing but dead hard drives and is looking for some patsey to offload his problems on, and maybe even turn a profit.