Hi frenchies22 and caritrade,
Most of the times, the best prices are never listed on the wholesalers’ website. Most suppliers will also often tailor their prices to your order. There are also suppliers who will negotiate better prices with sellers that they have a good relationship with. Although I am not really familiar with the right pricing for DJ products, I hope this helps. I also found something on Link hidden: Login to view that says "Discounts given to dealers are based on the amount of equipment they buy".
Nevertheless, I proceeded searching for other possible suppliers outside of our database and came across one (I hope you'll find this worthy). It doesn't have the Technics turntables though, and I'm still searching. :)
This is a USA based business existing since July 1998 Link hidden: Login to view
They have a price matching scheme and can accept Paypal and credit cards.
Please note that we cannot guarantee the safety of any suppliers outside SaleHoo.
I am still looking for the Technics turntables/ parts suppliers, frenchies22, and hopefully will find something for you.