donnab6143 hi i am looking for genuine authentic designer clothing and watches, sunglasses etc. Please help
jm0963 From what I have been told and from what my experience has been, you will only find these things through liquidation and closeouts. Unless you don't care if they're fake than there are about a million Chinses trade places that will sell you the moon and the stars.
jimmy_huber He is correct most of the time you can only find watches and clothing made by designers from liquidations such as You can find sunglasses that are authentic from Link hidden: Login to view
jm0963 Oh! and another thing. be careful when listing designer items on Ebay. I have been suspended twice for listing designer items. Make sure you are EXPLICIT as to its origin and/or authenticity or you'll be left standing on the sidelines.
secure-my-star hi'eee, you can try, this site is one which has authentic branded products. Ciao!!
salehoo_group Check out Luxury Magazzino... Link hidden: Login to view They have a good selection of authentic brand name apparel and accessories for men and women. All the best :)