Hey Trrek, Informational products are very good sellers. Just do a 'completed listing' search on ebay under 'informational products' and you will see a ton of stuff.
I know one lady who sales a short ebook on making hair bows for about $30 and sells about 10 a day. I know another guy who sell a guide on raising fresh water fish for your aquarium for $40 and sells about 60 to 70 per week. Not bad money, especially since you are selling the same product over and over again and only having to create it once. suppose you purchased an ebook with resell rights for $10 and sold just one copy a day, everyday. You only had to pay for the one copy, so everything after that is pretty much profit, excluding your listing fees. And if you price the item to cover that, then your pretty much covered.
To if you yourself, have a particular interest or hobby, you can easily create your own ebook and sell it. Then also, if you have one that sells pretty well, then you can sell that with resell rights for a slighter higher cost.
Also once you get several of your own ebooks out there, you can offer one or several of your books as a bonus for free to the buyer and ask them to become an affiliate for you selling the bonus books and split the profit with them for the ones they sell, simply by just hosting the book file and providing them with the download url for the bonus book. That way all they have to do is advertise or list the book on ebay, and when it sells, you get a percentage and your affiliate gets a percentage.
There are several software packages that will create the affiliate id numbers and links to automatically pay your affiliate when the sale takes place.
If you just want to go it alone, you still need to consider setting up a small website to store you ebook files, so that they can be automatically delivered when purchased. We live in an age where customers want their information as soon as they pay for it. You can get software that will take care of that for you too, such as 'my digital delivery', it's only about $14 and simple to use. But if you don't want to use that, then you all you have to do is use the 'item requires instant payment' option on the ebay sell form. when you select that, and digitial delivery, all you have to do is enter the download url into the box on the sell form and ebay will send the url to the customer just a soon as they pay. They will also store a copy of the download url for the customer under the 'items won' heading on their 'my ebay' page. That way if something happens and the customer need to download again, they don't have to email you and ask for it, they just go to their my ebay page and get it.
If you don't want to bother with a website a first, you can deliver your ebooks manually using your email. To do this you will need some type of software that will put your ebook (if you created it) into some type of reader. Adobe Reader is the most popular, but there are several. Most computers come with adobe reader. I use Pdf995. It cost about $20 and will put any ebook you create on you word processor, such as ms-word, into an adobe reader format. You can get other pdf software packages for free, I just happen to like 995 because it allows you to put encrypted copy production and digitial signatures on your ebook, that prevents anyone from stealing your work. But the free stuff works just as well.
Another thing if you want to give this a try. You don't have to be Mark Twain, to write an ebook. There is software available that will practically write it for you. Such as 'Instant Artical Wizard 2.0'. With software such as that you pretty much just have to put in the subject heading, Such as 'Golf' and it will do the rest. Pretty amazing stuff really. It will actually create an ebook in about ten minutes.
I do know that gaming guides are very good sellers. Heck, why not get paid to play your video games? Or if you are good at a particular hobby such as golf or fishing, you might want to think about writing a short ebook on things like that. 'How to reduce 5 strokes off of your golf game', things like that!
Anyway, hope this was helpful. If there is anything that I can help you with just let me know...gulfy13