Hello there i have a couple of PSP Value Packs.
I will sell these to the New Zealand users only.
I'm unsure as too how many users ther are in New Zealand, but there maybe a few interested faces?
I offer thsese to you for $340 NZD (inc GST)
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for more info, but im sure you know what they are.
contact information is also at the site.
2.01 PSP Value Packs are = $340
1.50 PSP Value Packs are = $360
1.50's are more expensive, they have been open to downgrade, so only turned on for about 10 minutes, so still very new, also the fact that i've risked a few psp's to perfect the 'art' of downgrading.
If you buy 10 PSP's i will sell them to you for $3200 ($320 Each, thats like $200 USD), this only applies to 2.01 versions.
please email me if you are at all interested, as i dont check this site often. I need to make the money up from a previous scam (DARGHGHGH) which lost me $1200NZD, lucky i didnt order more...
i am chrislam on trademe, with a reputable feedback.
And also making a good amount of money, so order yours now, pick up is availble so you can save on shipping, i am located in wellington.
Thanks and spread the word
**price bump