Hi. World wide brands has actually changed to an outfit called 'onesource' now. The site has improved since it changed, but the sources on this site are far better and much easier to locate and checkout. Plus that site is always trying to promote something or another on there.
I bought the original package a year or more back and it converted to the life time package when the site switched and I only paid 39.00 usd.
I definately would not pay that amount again and especially would not pay 299 usd (if I read that correctly in your post).
Another thing to keep in mind BEFORE you buy into that site, is that they offer 'light bulk wholesale' and regular wholesale. But the majority of the sites listed are regular wholesale and require huge purchases. The ones that offer light bulk are very few...So unless you have very deep pockets, you are going to find very few site on there that you can even buy from..
Look, I'm not against anyone trying to make a buck, we're all trying to do that. However, one of the owners of this site is an upper ebay employee. I'm talking about Jim Griffith. You probably know his as the Host of ebay radio, also the Dean of Ebay University, and upper echlon public relation employee and promoter of ebay..
This is about the only wholesale site that has an actual endorcment by ebay itself. And I personally think that it's just a bit shady and unethical (conflict of interest) for someone to use their affiliation with a large company to promote another company that they have a vested interest in..Especially when the site is promoted as being especially tailored for ebay sellers in the way of 'agreements made with the wholesalers to expressly deal with ebay sellers'.
Anyway, Just let me say that you'd be much better off spending your time on this site where the staff is dedicated to helping you succeed, than on a site that is dedicated to collecting your membership fee...