This particular package is an info pack on how to use resell this same package. Basically what you do is list this item on ebay or your website at an low cost, but not to low of course as that will cause most people who purchase informational products to judge the worth of the product by the listing cost...
Anyway your main goal is to list this item and then capture the email address of your buyers and then you want to sell to that list. Too it will suggest offering a free newsletter to your customers and normally somewhere within your newsletter you offer additional higher cost ebooks or informational packets..
Building a good customer list is an important aspect of selling ebooks and or informational products..Stats show that once a person who has purchased at least one product from you and is happy with that product that they are much more likely to purchase additional products from you in the future..thus you keep making offers to them through your newletter or email lists with the goal of making additional sales through higher end product and or affiliate sales...
Such as in this particular product it will have an offer for a backend sale listed in the subject matter enticing you to buy an additional product for $97. Depending on if you decide to purchase that additional item, the person from whom you purchased the original '90 day powerseller package' will receive a commission of half, or about 48 dollars of that purchase ($97.00) This is of course a backend sale..which is why you see the package sold so cheaply on ebay and other places..The creator is not really trying to make money with the powerseller package, he is trying to sell the backend product which sell at a much higher price..To by offering resell rights to the powerseller package, he then has other people selling his package, which costs him nothing and makes him additional sales including the backend product, which he then splits the profits with the reseller.....