If your trying to sell dvd's on ebay then you better forget that idea quick. If your not willing to spend $30,000 on a minimum order then your likely to not get a good deal on new releases anywhere.
I do have 1 tip for you. The day walmart releases a new movie for $14.99 Buy as many as you can afford and list them all on ebay that day. For 1 day auctions. Charge 5 bucks for shipping.
Many people on ebay buy these movies on its release day for around $20.00 and then pay the five bucks for shipping. You wont profit on all of them but its a quick way to make $100 in 1 day if you buy a bunch of them.
I did this many times with great success on most part. When Night At the museum came out I made $550.00 in 1 day buy selling over 65 Movies I bought at Wal-Mart. I actually cleared their whole display rack and the cashier thought I was a madman.