agasssilovesme Not that I would have any idea on how to start one but it seems us Aussie can't get involved in anything like youAmericans are doing ????? What do you think fellow Aussie ??????????
cuzincupitt i'm in if anyone gets this started send me a pm.there's a fair few aussies on here so let's do it,i know people have done 1 before.VERY KEEN!!
polski Sounds like a good idea! How would this work? I envy the huge opportunities in America, however I understand that their market capacity runs circles around our own 300mil vs 20mil
gulfy13 I do believe that 'aussiebares' has been trying to get people to respond to doing this type of thing for several months now. He's done a bunch of post about this....You should probably PM him as he has probably done quite a bit of research about it.....
jimmy_huber Yes I think he was interested in having me export truckloads of product to AUS. But I recently hear Link hidden: Login to view has turned to crap so it may not go through now.
parabellum I've been trying to do this with the New Zealand group Link hidden: Login to view There was a lot of interest to start with, but no one's willing to put in the hard work and get things done. I hope you aussies have more luck than I have.