Man, if I could sell my fudge I'd be rich, lol!
I just tend to over-research and I think I was just at the brain overload point this afternoon. So far I haven't found anything that just really jumps out at me in terms of buying in quantity wholesale. I'm seeing such tiny profit margins and I'm used to getting a much greater profit margin with what I used to sell. Used to sell vintage clothing, but I'm just totally burnt out on that now. If you know your stuff there is a lot of money to be made in that business, even on ebay.
I have ADD and when I get so much info at one time my head just starts to spin. I don't know what I want to sell. What I do know is that I love working at home, I like being alone while I work, I have a great set up for taking quality photographs of my items, I have some start up capital to invest in some inventory, and I have room to store inventory. and I love to research. Realistically, based on my past selling experience, the most auctions I can handle a week is probably about 50-100. I hate packing and shipping, but have learned I can pay someone to do that for me pretty cheaply.
So, I don't really have a business plan since I don't know what I want to sell. I was just looking for some encouragement that I will eventually come up out of this research haze and things will appear a bit more clearly in terms of what I should be selling.