If your selling on eBay your not going to make money selling name brand electronics. Especially as a newbie.
I am speaking from experience and many hours researching brands and pricing.
Save yourself A LOT of time and wasted energy.
Check out electronics-store on eBay. Over 10,000 feedback. Was 8500 a year ago. I researched how to crack this guys game for over a year. I researched every wholesaler I could find. The best I could do was make about 5 bucks each item and not always that. Plus I could never find a source that could steadily compete with him.
I concluded that he was probably in the know. Meaning he had a connection with a major retailer and my guess was Newegg because he is out of CA where Newegg is stationed.
He may very well be a friend of the owner or family member or maybe even newegg itself. Plus he had another eBay account selling the exact same stuff with the same feedback around 10,000 but I forget the name.
I did make some money and had some success a couple of years ago selling computer products but got squeezed out by the big boys.
Very very cut throat.