Depends on what it is you sell.
With eBay you have to start with alot of niche items since most retail channels sell all over eBay at wholesale. I would guess they have been doing it since 1999.
Still a good option, if you know how to use that option. You must make your advertisement really stand out and do so carefully.
What I did is created my eBay feed usually took a few hours to do, then I just fed it through my store itself and at my store I made all the sales because all the traffic would go through my store, **THEN** it would go to ebay listings (or craigslist, too)
When that was going full steam it worked instantly. Usually thousands upon thousands of people went through there. Occasionally I still do so but more or less, I do the majority of merchandise through Amazon as well as iOffer and other direct sales channels.
But that is a choice, as again I didn't see much coming from auctions anymore and auctions seem to be an unfriendly environment. You can't sell ANY designer products at auction, really just try it and it turns into a fiasco.
Direct sales yes, the argument could be made that you can VERY easily sell any products which are designer in direct sales. But only APPROVED products, apparently. If it has a logo on it or anything of someone's designer brand, they'll still try to come and take it all down much like ebay does.
It's just alot more ruthless and unapproachable at ebay, because there even design inspired merchandise isn't allowed. At all. Even though this is all technically fine if it doesn't use someone's copyrighted trademark, they don't give anyone that option.
On the other hand, at places like I OFFER and craigslist they fully give you that option and understand all your rights as a store. Or ultimately your rights as a buyer, because whether we like that or not alot of people buy designer inspired goods which might be based off somebody's brand. And it's a giant thriving community.
So selling into that, or just in general selling anything except for computer software(due to copyright cases) is just alot easier at other places then eBay. And probably my first choice would be Godaddy. 1) They have integrity in what they do. 2) They're lenient enough to not infringe on anything you do, so long as its not anything that actually makes legal trouble for them
So that pretty much means you can do whatever you wish & you have the opportunity to sell anything anytime.
Did I mention any payment method is accepted? These are what *ACTUAL* ecommerse is really about, the freedom of choice