fudjj Just thought I would point out the new link appearing in your sidebar menu, just in case you have breezed over it. 'Bonus Guides' It contains some market guides that some members may find quite quite useful. Free downloads so check them out!
zaltark I've found them very useful in explaining some of the general aspects to which each pertains to. Very good if you're starting out or wondering what to do.
ausware can the bonus guides be made available on our own websites for download by visitors? and are we able to add our affiliate links in the pdf?
fudjj Unfortunately not! That material belongs to the copyright holder (SaleHoo), and is for distribution to SaleHoo members only! If you or anyone else are actually looking for affiliate material, I would encourage you to visit our affiliates resource area at Link hidden: Login to view Cheers.
ausware i would suggest that it would be a very good idea if paid members are able to distribute with there affiliate links in the document. This surely would increase conversions..
richelle_salehoo1 Hi ausware, Thank you for your suggestion. I'll pass along your suggestion to our Senior staff members. Cheers! Richelle
richelle_salehoo1 Hi ausware, Sorry you had to wait a long while for our reply. Since you are not allowed to distribute the SaleHoo bonus guides, we cannot have you add you affiliate links. You can only use the content at Link hidden: Login to view in the resources section. Cheers!