The following link from the website has all the info you need to obtain your EIN (Employer Identification Number). I set mine under Sole member(Sole Proprietorship) and recieved my EIN within 48 hours thru email, and then they mail you a hard copy about a week later. Remember though, this number, which for simplicity sakes, acts as a SSN for a business for tax reporting purpouses.
Do not confuse this with a Resellers License. This is used my ACTUAL wholesalers for sales tax reporting. Also I would register your business with your respective state to get a Business License and a Resellers License in case you stumble across an actual wholesaler. These Licenses are obtainable for small fees (Usually 20-50 Depending on your state) There are companies that will do the work for you for about 110-150 bucks including making your company an LLC. However I have found doing the work myself more rewarding, and as a side note, I have found Barnes & Noble a great place to find all legal paperwork for about 10-20 which to me is worth it.
I am sure, however, that if you dug enough on the irs website you could find some stuff for free.
Hope this helps!
Here is the link:
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