Hi xref,
Haydee is right there are some pros and cons about using the artsnow.com service, I also use this service and for the most part they are a legit company. The problem which Haydee stated is the products are coming from Hong Kong and they save on shipping everything in Bulk orders with this standard air mail shipping service and they basically clearly state that some orders will not ship BUT they give you 5% back before placing your orders so you don't have to spend additional money once you go to reorder for a customer that didn't receive their product.
Its definiately a good place to start making some extra cash and I am still using the service to this day. I have to be honest I have had my share of headaches with this service but at the same time I have made a nice extra buck doing it.
For sure it's Legit just take some time and review their service and choose for yourself if it will work for you or not.
Hope this helps!