ysewellam Hello everyone, I am a new member in SaleHoo and I want to know if I can buy any item from SaleHoo suppliers and sell it on eBay. Please inform me with the steps concerning buying from suppliers and selling it without holding stock and possible ways to find customers to sell any item. Thanks.
wholesalelist101 Hi, if you are not wanting to store product then I think you are interested in dropshipping. Drop shipping is the shipping of merchandise from a supplier directly to your customer. This process minimizes the risk to you because you do not need to buy the product until it has sold. If you are selling on eBay it will be tough because there are several factors you will have to consider. 1) Out of Stocks - if your supplier is out of stock on a item you are selling then you will have to explain to your customer that the item is no longer available and sometimes this will not go over to well with most customers. You will also be putting yourself at risk for a negative feedback rating. 2) There will be lots of competition on eBay when using a well known dropshipper and sometimes even the dropshipper will be selling on eBay as well! You will have to research your choices to make sure the market is not over saturated and to be sure there is room for a profit after fees. There are lots of bad and good points when using dropshipping and you can be successful with it if you find the right supplier and the right product. Good Luck!
richelle_salehoo1 Hi ysewellam, Welcome to SaleHoo! Glad to have you here with us! :) They have pretty much mentioned the things you need for starters. If you need further help with anything feel free to email us at support@salehoo.com See you around!