Not an easy situation you find yourself in srg, bad credit rating won't have financial institutions lining up to throw money at you unfortunately.
I have no idea just how bad you rating is, but maybe you should start by taking measures to clear that up before trying to launch your business full time. That would give you a chance to clear your debt, then establish a business plan that you could then in turn use to establish a line of credit to get you going in the right direction.
The big risk here is getting in even deeper with a loan from someone willing to give it to you in your current situation. You will find some places willing to loan where bad credit is involved, but you will usually find that these types of loans come with very hight interest, and can just dig you into a deeper hole where you risk even more.
I know it's frustrating, but I would suggest going back to square one at this point, clear up your outstanding debt, then look at establishing a business plan to move froward.
Good luck with it.