Hi ally7782000.
transoffer.com has the words 'replica' and 'knockoffs' written all over their site. You shouldn't be wasting your time with this kind of supplier if you are intent on legitimately selling authentic designer brands. High end labels like Louis Vuitton, Coach and Chanel can never be sourced from a China based supplier. If you have ordered from this site, you will be getting fake items.
When a product is produced to replicate the original item, it is a replica and is illegal to sell because it has been manufactured outside of the brand owner's licensing requirements.
On the other hand, designer inspired products are legal to sell because the designs are attempts to be merely 'inspired' by the designer's product, and they do not bear the label, and do not attempt to replicate the designer brands authentically. Without the labels, of Chanel for example, these products do not intrude applicable copyright issues.
Here are some suppliers for designer branded clothing:
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Should you get the chance to order from these suppliers, kindly share with the community how you got on by writing a review in the supplier profile page.
Let us know if there is anything else we can do to help.
Kind regards..