While I'm not big on dropshipping, I think it's worth pointing out that the monthly/annual fee for Queen Bee, when placed alongside their low prices, is completely justifiable. It's easier to charge a flat fee for the added service and convenience that dropshipping offers, than to have to maintain separate prices for everything (one for buyers and one for dropshippers.) Plus the fee includes explicit permission to use images and product data from the Queen Bee site, so there is an additional value there.
The signup fee is refunded with the first $250 or higher order, which -- considering the product lines carried -- is a very, very easy mark to hit, and I would presume is just in place to keep time wasters away.
Seriously, I know I rip on most dropshippers as a general rule of thumb, but in QB's case it's pretty easy to see why they're charging extra for it, and in the context of a high-ticket luxury market, $40 a month should not be all that hard to cover. It's not like they're selling the same refurbed Xboxes and shakelights and other crap you see on most dropshipping sites.