Well this one is certainly something different lol
What you are essentially talking about is importing motor vehicles from the US, and yes you can of course do that as a private individual or as a business entity for resale.
I imported a mustang many years ago, although that was for personal use and it was relatively straight forward. I haven't been keeping up with the Kiwi dollar of late, but with the US economy in it's current form and the aussie dollar at it's peak against the Greenback, importing from the US into Australia is as popular as ever.
That's not just cars of course, it's pretty much across the board. I've been considering boats of late personally lol
There are people based in the US who will source products for you, namely cars, and arrange for the import of the vehicle to NZ, however these transactions are all up front cash, so you would need to bank-roll it.
You would also need to know the type of vehicles to import and know the market your end so you understand the value of what it is you would be importing.
That aside, then you need to be aware of your import taxes, and I would suggest retain a customs clearance agent to ensure all runs smooth.
If it's a market you don't understand, then I would strongly suggest staying clear, as you are taking about out-laying decent amount of cash.
In regards to if we have anyone in the directory that offers this type of service, I don 't personally know, but would highly doubt it, but these types of people aren't that hard to find if you know where to look.