I think the number of new drop shipping accounts being established on eBay per week would be massive on a worldwide basis, and suspect they are trending upwards. While I agree with most moving to a more stock based model long term, I doubt they would all move away from a drop ship model completely, more using it to increase their stock profile and reduce their cashflow to maximise their market on the products and the suppliers they had forged a good working relationship with.
I think some of those that actually start out as a stock based business models will also move into drop shipping on at least some level over time for the same reason.
I also think that drop shipping as we know it is changing, slight variations of the standard drop shipping model are now developing as well. For example, Tania is listing items from an art gallery in her suburb, no actual drop shipping agreement in place with the supplier. Rather, if one of the listed items sells, she simply goes down to the gallery, purchases it and then does her own shipping.
OK, just an example, but one where the drop shipping model is evolving. As more and more new eBay sellers come into the market, looking for ways to get a foot hold with products that aren't over represented on eBay, I think this is the type of evolution drop shipping will go through.
I know some will say that is more risky than your usual drop shipping method, as what happens if something you have listed gets sold before you sell it, but anyone who has been let down by a drop shipper by selling an item listed as available, only to find out it isn't after the order has been taken may well have a different view lol.
Of course I am speaking to the smaller sellers, not the large sellers that eBay do climb into bed with, but my best guess is that drop shipping has been so tightly woven into eBay's fabric at this point, that they would take a fair chunk of their own hair if they tried to cut it out altogether.
What sized chunk of hair, that's the Million dollar question for me. I wouldn't mind being a fly on the wall at corporate, just to get a good insight into their combined head!