milo Hey guys I found about this site through a criagslist listing in search of Ipods. I jumped through all their hoops and registered in account with them, then finally got down to payment options - low & behold, They only accept wire money transfers (ie. Western Union or Moneygram). Needless to say I didn't purchase. Has anyone heard any thing about this seller (good or bad) ?
salehoo_group We would recommend staying away. Looks very similar to some other sites that are known to scam. Be wary of anything that is ONLY Western Union and Wire ;)
spankydxm I would have to agree...I look for paypal,CC,and some even offer 50% now 50% after another forum that I am in I have a guy that lives in china that checks up on companys for me to see if they are a legit buisness...
gr8tdeal2006 ive tried to buy from them as well until I found out payment option. He tried to tell me that it costs him 30% to use credit card or paypal as a payment option. I offered fly and buy but he stopped responding. I would stay away. Good Luck.
skateboarder3573 Yea I saw that same ad on craigslist, went through the same account registration as everyone else did etc. If you actually type in the address into google earth their 'store address' is a motel or small apartment complex haha stay away!!
irene_salehoo Any info on reliability of "Alibaba Hi retailer73, Our blog on Alibaba might help - Link hidden: Login to view There are also past forum posts for more information - Link hidden: Login to view Link hidden: Login to view Link hidden: Login to view Hope this helps.