Hi Frank,
It's definitely already an issue and is only going to become more so as more suppliers move into that space in the future, so it is something that we are well aware off and we looking at options currently. In fact this exact topic was raised by me as a topic for discussion at the last monthly admin meeting just past, so it's on the table and options are currently being discussed as how to best combat it.
That said, I don't think we could ever get to a position where we banned suppliers for doing it. Apart from having actual proof, and that can be hard to get as many will sell through different branded accounts. That aside, my biggest issue is that we have many member who do use supoplier with account establishment and other related fees because they see value in other areas,
For example, some suppliers who have account fees offer better product prices. So in that instance, the cost is more upfront, but the potential is there to make more on the products, especially if the sales volume is high.
So I we ban supplier with account fees, then we're remving quite legitimate trading options for members and the way things are going, with many now adding account fees, we could very well end up with an extremely limited directory, which then benefits no one. So I know it's a pain and no one reallt likes it, but as traders, we're kind of stuck with it.
As always, we do our best to provide members with as much of a variety as possibly, given the fact that suppliers do have to pass our set criteria to gain entry to begin with, but that gives members the choice to deal with someone one that best suits their own requirements. If anyone doesn't want tp pay an account fee, then we always try to have free options also available, but the one thing I would say is to not automtaically write off a supplier due to the fact that they do have an account fee of some type.
Take a complete look at the overall value and then make the decision if they are providing value for you or not.